Toxicological Research
- Volume 17 Issue 2
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- Pages.159-161
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- 2001
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- 1976-8257(pISSN)
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- 2234-2753(eISSN)
Anti-emetic Effect of Ondaron in Ferrets
Ondaron 주사제의 항 구토작용
Lee, Byung-Mu
(College of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
Choi, Seul-Min
(College of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
- Cho, Hyun (Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.) ;
Ahn, Byoung-Ok
(Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.) ;
Kim, Won-Bae
(Research Laboratories, Dong-A Pharm. Co. Ltd.)
- Published : 2001.06.01
The anti-emetic effect of a 5-HT