태국産 Tisis屬 (나비目, 남방뿔나방科)의 1新種

A New Species of the Genus Tisis (Lepidoptera, Lecithoceridae) from Thailand

  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


태국産 Tisis屬(남방뿔나방科)에 속하는 1種이 新種으로 확인되어 이를 Tisis nielseni sp. nov.로 명명, 기재하며, 성충 및 암수 생식기를 도해하여 근연종인 대만産 T. mesozosta Meyrick와 비교하였다.

A new species of the genus Tisis Walker, T nielseni sp. nov. is described from Thailand, with illustrations of the male and female genitalia compared with those of T. mesozosta Meyrick.



  1. Microlepidoptera Palaeartica v.5 Lecithoceridae Gozmany, L.;H. G. Amsel(ed);F. Gregor(ed);H. Ressier(ed)
  2. On a collection of Lepidoptera from upper Burma v.1894 Meyrick, E.
  3. Descriptions of Indian Microlepidoptera v.1910 Meyrick, E.
  4. Exotic Microlepidoptera v.1 Merick, E.
  5. Exotic Microlepidoptera v.3 Merick, E.
  6. Bescrijvingen van nieuwe exotishe Tortricinen, Tineinen, en Pterophoreinen, benevens aantekeningen over reeds bekend gemaakte soorten v.46 Snellen, P. C. T.
  7. List of the specimens of the lepidoptera insects in the collection of the British Museum v.29 Walker, F.
  8. Fauna Sinica v.7 Lepidoptera Lecithoceridae Wu, C.
  9. Genus Tisis Walker from Malaysia and Indonesia (Lepidoptera, Lecithoceridae), with description of three new species v.37 Wu, C.