한국산 다골해면류 (해면동물문, 보통해면강)의 2미기록종

New Record of Two Poecilosclerid Sponges(Porifera, Demospongiae) from Korea

  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


1994년부터 1999년까지 한국의 거제도와 제주도에서 채집 (SCUBA)된 다골해면류를 동정ㆍ분류한 결과 왜핀셋해면 (Forcepia japonica)과 덮게크렐라해면 (Crella incrustans)의 두 종이 한국 미기록종으로 밝혀져 보고한다.

The sponge specimens were collected from Chejudo Island and Geojedo Island, Korea during from 1994 to 1999 by scuba diver. They were identified into Forcepia japonica Koltun, 1959 and Crella incrustans (Carter, 1885).



  1. Sponges Bergquist, P. R.
  2. The marine fauna of New Zealand: Porifera v.96 Bergquist, P. R.;J. P. Fromont
  3. Porifera v.6 no.3 Non-Antarctic sponges Dendy, A. H.
  4. Sponges in time and space (Balkema: Rotterdam) Proposal of phylogenetic subordinal classification of poecilosclerid sponges (Demospongiae, Porifera) Hajdu, E.;R. W. M. Van Soest;J. N. A. Hooper
  5. Marine sponges in South Korea (I) v.11 Kim, H. S.;B. J. Rho;C. J. Sim
  6. Siliceous and horny sponges in the northern and fareastern seas of the USSR v.67 Koltun, V. M.
  7. A taxonomic study on the Korean sponges v.23 Rho, B. J;C. J. Sim
  8. Ceractionomorpha v.32 Ceractionomorpha A systematic study on the marine sponges in Korea Rho, B. J.;C. I. Yang
  9. Sponges in coral reefs v.5 UNESCO
  10. A systematic study on the marine sponges in Korea v.11 Ceractinomorpha and Tetractinomopha Sim, C. J.
  11. Systematic study on the maeinw sponges from the South Sea of Korea v.1 Sim, C. J.
  12. Ceractinomorpha v.5 A systematic study on the marine sponges in Korea Sim, C. J.
  13. Demospongia and Hexactinellida A systematic study on the marine sponges in KoreA v.4 Demospongia and Hexactinellida Sim, C. J.;M. H. Kim
  14. A systematic study of marine sponges in Korea v.10 Sponges of islets near the coast of Cheju Island Sim, C. J.;Y. H. Kim
  15. Systematic sudy on marine sponges in Korea v.8 Demosponges of Cheju Island Sim, C. J.;Y. S. Kim;Y. H. kim
  16. Three new species of poecilosclerid sponge from Korea v.2 Sim, C. J.;K. J. Lee
  17. Descriptive catalogue of the sponges in the Australian Museum Von Lendenfeld, R.