A Study on the Relation between Delinquency and Clothing Attitude, clothing regulation attitude for Adolescent

청소년 비행정도와 의복태도 및 의복규제 태도와의 관계

  • 이명희 (성신여자대학교 의류학과) ;
  • 홍선옥 (한양여자대학교 섬유패션계열)
  • Published : 2001.03.01


The purpose of this study was to classified as the degree of the delinquency and to make clear the differences of adolescents' clothing attitude, clothing regulation attitude according to their delinquency and demographic variables. The results are as follows: First, Delinquency was classified as revolt, breakage and violence, status and property; according to the degree of the delinquency, subjects were categorized as delinquent, middle and exemplary groups. Second, the clothing conformity and clothing importance were higher in delinquent and middle than exemplary group; individuality, fashion and refusal against clothing regulation were most regarded by delinquent group, and followed by and middle and exemplary groups, meanwhile, the reverse was the case for modesty. Third, schoolgirls were more regarded the conformity, individuality, fashion and clothing importance and higher the refusal against clothing regulation than schoolboys; there was no significant difference between both sexes in modesty, and schoolgirls in delinquent group were more fiercely refused the clothing regulation than schoolboys in same group. The better a student did at school, the higher the modesty was and the lower the fashion and refusal against clothing regulation were. The higher a student belonged to a social status, the more he/she regarded the individuality importantly. While exemplary student who belonged to a high social status tended to pursue the individuality regardless his/her degree of delinquency, as for the student who belonged to middle or below social status, the higher the degree of delinquency was, the more he/she regarded the individuality. Besides, delinquent students who belonged to middle or below social status were more sensitive in fashion than those to higher social status.
