파인만 적분에 대한 소고

  • Published : 2001.12.01


In this paper we introduce the Feynman integral which is one of the function space integrals. There are so many approaches to the Feynman integral. Here we treat tile analytic Feynman integral and the operator-valued Feynman integral.



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  2. Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo v.17 Stability theorems for the Feynman integral: The L(L₁(R),$C_0$(R)) theory Chang, J.S.
  3. J. Korean Math. Soc. v.28 The Feynman integral and Feynman's operational calculus: The L(L₁(R),$C_0$(R)) theory Chang, J.S.;Johnson, G.W.
  4. Rev. of Modern Physics v.20 Space time approach to non-relativistic quantum mechanics Feynman, R.P.
  5. J. Math. Phys. v.25 A bounded convergence theorem for the Feynman integral Johnson, G.W.
  6. Nagoya Math. J. v.60 The Cameron-Storvick function space integral: An L(L₁(R),$C_0$(R)) theory Johnson, G.W.;Skoug, D.L.
  7. 파인만 적분론 장건수
  8. 한국수학사학회지 v.12 no.2 함수 공간 적분에 대한 소고(Ⅰ) 장주섭
  9. 한국수학사학회지 v.13 no.2 함수 공간 적분에 대한 소고(Ⅱ) 장주섭