서양요리 품질의 결정요인에 관한 연구

Chief Factors in the Quality of Western Food

  • 정진우 (문경대학 호텔조리학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


There have been many discussions on the importance and part of quality in the marketing field. It also has been an effort in the cooking field to understand how the quality, recognized by customers, influences customer satisfaction in the process of serving western food. This study is a theory about evaluation methods of western food. It can be summarized in three views as below especially with sensuous evaluation methods. First, it is decoration. Visual factors, such as a receptacle and the amount of food in it, the arrangement of food colors, gloss of food, steam arising of from food, additional garnishes on food should be harmonious. Second, it is a flavor. The factors like the taste and smell of food, and feeling of food in the mouth can be evaluated with the taste and the smell. Third, it is texture. It is considered with the sense of touch, the motor sensation in the mouth and the hearing sense. Especially the sense of touch involves feel of receptacle when it is hot or cold as well as feel of food. This study has been conducted for providing customers with higher-quality western food, which is based on a theoretical study about evaluation methods. During the study, the limit was found that there is no measuring instrument, since the study was restricted in a theoretical work. For more accurate research, the measuring instrument should be developed through the positive research.
