Energy Response in Chemiluminescence Dosimetry with Sugar and Sorbite

  • Jun, J.S. (Chungnam National University) ;
  • Guggenberger, R. (Institute of Applied Radiation Protection) ;
  • Dalheimer, A. (Institute of Applied Radiation Protection)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


A series of study on energy dependence in chemiluminescence dosimetry with sugar and sorbite produced in two different countries was carried out administering a dose of 5 Gy to the samples at six different mean photon energies of 30, 50, 80, 130, 662 and 1250 keV. The results revealed distinct energy dependence of chemiluminescence(CL) output of sugar and sorbite. Although the energy dependence, in general, could be fitted by a polynomial of (os E, with I being radiation energy, up to cubic term, we reached a conclusion that the adoption of a fitting function, $y_{R}$$^{=a}$.(1-e $^{-b.logE}$)$^{c}$ +d, deduced from theoretical energy response curve calculated as the ratio of the mass energy absorption of the samples of interest to the soft tissue is more reasonable and rational. Herecoefficients $y_{R}$ is CL intensity, and a, b, c and d are constants to be determined in the fitting process. Energy dependence of relative sensitivities of one sample to the other, discrepancy in sensitivities of the samples from the two countries, and prominent grain size effect in Sorbitol were also shown.shown.



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