Important Radionuclides and Their Sensitivity for Ground water Pathway of a Hypothetical Near-Surface Disposal Facility

  • Park, J. W. (Nuclear Environment Technology Institute, KEPCO) ;
  • K. Chang (Nuclear Environment Technology Institute, KEPCO) ;
  • Kim, C. L. (Nuclear Environment Technology Institute, KEPCO)
  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


A radiological safety assessment was performed for a hypothetical near-surface radioactive waste repository as a simple screening calculation to identify important nuclides and to provide insights on the data needs for a successful demonstration of compliance. Individual effective doses were calculated for a conservative ground water pathway scenario considering well drilling near the site boundary. Sensitivity of resulting ingestion dose to input parameter values was also analyzed using Monte Carlo sampling. Considering peak dose rate and assessment time scale, C-14 and T-129 were identified as important nuclides and U-235 and U-238 as potentially important nuclides. For C-14, the dose was most sensitive to Darcy velocity in aquifer The distribution coefficient showed high degree of sensitivity for I-129 release.



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