모더니즘 후기 복식에 표현된 미의식 연구

A Study on the Aesthetic Consciousness in the late Modernism Fashion

  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


The purpose of this study is to define the aesthetic consciousness in the late Modernism fashion which generated a sudden style change and craze, and to identify the essential meaning of the style. In order to achieve this the aesthetic approach was applied. Visual commonalities were sought between fashion and contemporary architecture, furniture, ceramic and metalware, to lead to a deeper insight into the aesthetic consciousness. Common visual characteristics are curvedness of the line, obliqueness of the line, asymmetry of the form, exaggeration of the form and symbolic nature of the form. The content which can be analogized from the visual characteristics are the beauty of the nature, the beauty of the glamourous feminity, the beauty of the ideal and the beauty of the creative personality. In the creating process, the existential aspect of human being became a focus of attention, and human being's subjectivity operated as a principal force. In the late Modernism fashion, the appreciator's aesthetic experience became more important, and the appreciator's psychological satisfaction and pleasure were considered in the creative process. Fashion, architecture and crafts, which fulfill functional duties in everyday life, facilitated the appreciator's aesthetic experience through empathy. This study inquires into the relationship between aesthetic consciousness and visual form. This study offers meaning because to uncover the connoted aesthetic consciousness in the late Modernism fashion is to pursue the roots of current aesthetic consciousness and it is hoped that in doing so this study will provide a basis for interpreting and understanding today's fashion style.
