Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation (한국항해학회지)
- Volume 25 Issue 4
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- Pages.417-422
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- 2001
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- 1225-0481(pISSN)
The Sinkage Speed by Ship's under Water Damage
선저파공이 침수속도에 미치는 영향
Every ship might be exposed to collision, grounding and/or various accidents. They may make some underwater holes on the hull. An underwater damage would cause her loss of buoyancy, trim, and inclination. Although a ship has some provisions against these accidents, if the circumstance is serious, she would be sunk or upsetted. Because of varieties of type of accidents, one could not prepare all of them. Many subdivision could prevent them, but it is difficult to realize it due to rising costs. This paper deals with physical phenomena of sinkage and an application on box type ship, and some results are earned as follows; 1. sinkage speed up to the level of the damage hole is increased proportionally, and is decreased proportionally after filling the level. 2. the curve of draft shows cup type of second order polynomial up to the damage hole level, and shows cap type of second order polynomial after filling the level. 3. if damage occurs beneath half of the draft, changes of head and displacement, and sinking speed follow almost straight lines. 4. by careful observation, sinkage speed could be predicted.