해상왕 장보고의 해상항로 추정에 관한 연구

A Study on tile Presumption of Chang Pogo's Maritime Routes

  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


본 연구의 목적은 통일신라시대의 해상왕 장보고의 해상항로를 추정하기 위하여 우리나라 고대부터 통일신라시대까지의 해상활동, 그리고 당시의 중국과 일본의 해상활동을 우리나라와 중국의 고대 문헌, 그리고 9세기 초 아랍의 지리학자인 Ibn Khurdahbih와 Al-Biruni, Al-Idrisi의 문헌 등을 고찰하고, 이를 근거로 하여 통일신라시대의 해상왕 장보고의 해상항로를 추정하는데 있다. 연구의 결과 해상왕 장보고는 우리나라 고대부터 축적된 조선술과 항해술을 이용하여 노철산 항로, 황해 횡단항로, 동지나 횡단항로, 황해와 남지나해를 연결하는 해상항로, 황해$\longrightarrow$남해$\longrightarrow$대마도를 연결하는 대마도 항로, 신라$\longrightarrow$울릉도 가느이 동해 항로, 발해와 일본을 연결하는 동해 직항로, 그리고 중국의 주산군도를 기점으로 하여 북쪽을 향하는 해상항로와 남쪽으로 가는 해상항로를 이용하여 중국, 일본 등과 교류를 하였고, 당나라의 연안을 따라 광주$\longrightarrow$남지나해$\longrightarrow$베트남$\longrightarrow$싱가포르 해협$\longrightarrow$말라가 해협$\longrightarrow$스리랑카$\longrightarrow$인도$\longrightarrow$인도양$\longrightarrow$페르시아만의 아랍국가$\longrightarrow$아프리카 동쪽 해안을 연결하는 서방 해상항로, 그리고 당나라의 광주$\longrightarrow$유구$\longrightarrow$통일신라$\longrightarrow$통일신라를 연결하는 해상항로를 이용하여 중국, 일본뿐만 아니라 베트남, 인도네시아, 말레이시아, 스리랑카, 인도, 페르시아만의 아랍-이슬람 제국과도 해상항로를 개설하여 활발한 해상활동을 하였던 것으로 추정이 된다.

According to the many ancient literatures, it is said to be that Merchant Prince, Chang Pogo in unification Silla had traded with not only China, Japan but also Arab-Islam Countries, but unfortunately there is no definite records about this. Therefore in this study the writer would like to presume the sea routes of Merchant Prince, Chang Pogo in a unification Silla. For the purpose of this study the writer would like to study the reference books and materials regarding to the sea routes of prehistoric age and ancient three countries of Kingdoms and unification Silla. Especially the writer consider “The Work of Routes and Kingdoms” of Ibn Khurdarhbih regarding to the ancient sea routes of Korea, China, Arab-Islam Countries, and also the writer consider the ancient sea routes of Tang Dynasty in China and Ryukyu Kingdom in Japan. About this methodology of this study, the writer believe that the sea routes of today is the results of ancient sea routes, and this ancient sea routes could not be changed forever except special circumstance. According in this study the writer would like to persume the sea routes of Merchant Prince, Chang Pogo using like this methodologies. This presumption of the writer is originated on the basis of The Work of Routes and Kingdoms written by ancient Arabian Geographer, Ibn Khurdadhbih in the early years of 9th century. The Work of Routes and Kingdoms is geography, and the principal contents of this geography are the activities of Arab-Islam merchants and Chinese Merchants between Arab-Islam countries and China from 9th century to 11th century by ancient sea routes. But surprisingly in this geography, Silla was marked, and another ancient Arabian geogrpher, Al-Biruni marked Silla on his map, Qanun Al-mas'udi in the 9th century, and also another ancient Arabian geographer, Al-Idrisi marked Silla on his map in the 11th century. Especially Al-Biruni expressed the longitude and latitude of Silla on his map, he expressed Silla as following. “at the extreme end of China toward the East and few people travelled to it by sea”. Therefore the writer would like to presume that Arab-Islam merchants had traded with unification Silla in the 9th century, and also Merchant Prince, Chang Pogo had traded with not only China, Japan but also Arab-Islam Countries using above ancient sea routes in the 9th century.
