율무 주산 지역 농가의 실태조사

Survey on the Farms in Main Producing Area of Job's Tears

  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


본 조사는 우리나라 율무 주산지역인 연천지역의 율무재배 농가의 일반사항, 경종개요, 생육 특성 및 조곡 수량, 수확후 토양 성분 등을 조사하여 율무 재배법 개선을 위한 기초자료로 활용하기 위해 수행되었다. 율무 재배 농가의 연령은 51세 이상으로 고령화되어 있었고 재배 면적은 작았다. 대부분의 농가는 자가 노동력에 의한 영세농이었으며 종자는 자가 채종하여 사용하고 있었다. 파종방법은 발뒤굼치를 사용하는 점파가 주종을 이루었고, 재식밀도는 10a 당 2000-3500 주가 64%이었고, 시비량은 농가별로 차이가 많았다. 병해충 방제 횟수는 적은 편이었다. 조사 농가의 평균 초장, 주간절수, 주간직경, 개체당 분얼경수, 천립중, 종피경도 및 조곡 수량은 각각 184 cm, 10, 10 mm, 14.4, 108 g, 3.22 g/$cm^3$, 및 341 kg/10a 이었다. 조사농가의 수확직후 토양의 pH, 유기물 함량, 유효인산 함량, 칼리 및 전기전도도는 평균적으로 각각 5.8, 0.11 g/kg, 385 mg/kg, 0.48 cmol+kg 및 0.21 dS/m이었다. 종피경도와 조곡수량은 P=0.01 수준에서 (-0.7442) 높은 부의 상관관계를 나타냈다.

This survey was carried out to collect the basic informations for the improvement of cultivation in job's tears (Coix lachryma-jobi L.) by investigating the general facts, farming practices, growth characteristics, grain yield, and chemical properties of soil in Yonchon-gun farms. The age of farmers were over 51 and the cultivated area was small. Most farmers were self-laboring and produced seeds on their land. Sowing method was usually drilling by hand, 64% of farms had the density of 2000-3500 plant per 10 a, amount of fertilizer application was diverse and the number of pest control was a few. The averages of plant height, number of main culm node, culm diameter, tiller number of plant, thousand grain weight, and grain yield were 184 cm, 10, 10 mm, 14, 108 g, and 341 kg/10a, respectively. The averages of pH, organic matter, $P_2O_5$, K, and EC of soil after harvest were 5.8, 1.1 g/kg, 385 mg/kg, 0.48 cmol+/kg, and 0.21 dS/m, respectively. Grain yield and hardness were negatively correlated -0.7442 at the level of P=0.01.



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  2. J. Korean Soc. Soil. Fert. v.9 no.4 Study on the optimum rate of N, P, K fertilizers for pearl barley (Coix lachryma-jobi L.) Cho, J.K.;N.I. Chang;J. Choi
  3. Journal of Agricultural Science v.36 no.12 Effect of seed disinfection on leaf blight disease (Helminthoeporium coisis) of job's tears (Coix lachryma-jobi) and stimulation of germination Hosokawa, H.T.;Yaoita, K. Endo
  4. Economic Botany v.28 Preliminary observations on the ethnobotany of the genus Coix Jain S.K.;D.K. Banerjee
  5. J. RDA (U&I) v.31 no.1 Effect of nitrogen amount and spoilt application on the growth and yield in pearl barley Kang, D.J.;K.H. Chang;J.K. Lee
  6. Master Dissertation, Univ. of Kon kuk Effects of different sowing dates and fertilizer levels on growth and yield of pearl barley Kim, S.M.
  7. Korean J. Crop Sci. v.38 no.4 Crop combinations and rotation years for paddy-upland cropping system in middle part of korea Kim, J.I.;K.H. Rhee;Y.B. Oh;Y.J. Oh;J.K. Lee
  8. Korean J. Crop Sci. v.41 no.5 Growth and yield of job's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) at different planting density and time under dry and flooded paddy field Kim, J.T.;Y.H. Kwack;Y.C. Kim
  9. RDA. J. Indus. Crop Sci. v.40 no.1 Effect of intermittent irrigation, sowing date and density on the growth of adlay (Coix lachryma-jobi L., var. mayuen) Kim, J.T.;H.S. Park;S.B. Pae;K.W. Oh;Y.H. Kwack;Z.R. Choe
  10. Korean J. Crop Sci. v.33 no.4 Effect of fertilizer levels on major agronomic characterisitcs and seed yield in job's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L., var. mayeur STAPF) Kwon, B.S.;J.I. Lee;H.J. Park
  11. RDA. J. Agri. Sci. v.36 no.2 Investigation of cultural situation for chief Producing district of apple in Kyunbuk province Kwon, T.Y.;S.D. Park;S.D. Park;B.S. Choi
  12. RDA. J. Agri. Sci. v.36 no.1 A new thin shelled and high-yielding variety of job's tears Lee, J.I.;J.H. Park;B.O. Ahn;S.T. Lee
  13. Am. Soc. fo Agron.(2nd ed) Method of soil analysis Page, A.L.;R.H. Miller;D.R. Keeney
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  15. Res. Rept. ORD v.24(C) Effects of sowing date and planting density on growth and yield of "pearl barey" In newly opend land Park, B.G.;I.S. Choi;K.B. Youn;G.R. Cho
  16. Journal of Agricultural Science v.42 no.9 High-yielding cultivation experiment of job's tears in cold district Seki, K.
  17. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. of Dong-A The effect of nitrogen application and the treatment of growth retardant to adlay plant (Coix agrestis (non Lour) Miq.) on its growth yield and chemical composition Song, C.K.
  18. J. Environ. Quality v.2 no.2 Reviews and analysis-rationale for optimum nitrogen fertilization in corn production Standford, G.
  19. Soil Sci. v.37 Walkley, A.;C.A. Black
  20. Korean J. Medicinal Crop Sci. v.5 no.4 Yield variation in different harvest time of Coix lachryma L. var. ma-yeun STAPF Yi, E.S.;J.S. Lee;K.J. Kim;H.S. Lee
  21. 특용작물생산실적 농림수산부
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  23. 農業技術 v.33 ハトムギの栽培と利用 小林甲喜;水島嗣雄