Pull-out 시험 후의 표면분석 : 갈색산화물

Analyses of Fracture Surfaces after Pull-out Test: Brown Oxide

  • Lee, H.Y. (Packaging Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology) ;
  • Kim, S.R.
  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


Due to naturally formed copper oxides, the adhesion strength between copper and epoxy resin is often very poor. To improve the adhesion strength between copper and epoxy resin, Cu-based leadframe sheets were oxidized in a brown-oxide forming solution. Then the effect of brown-oxide formation on the adhesion strength of leadframe to epoxy molding compound (EMC) was studied using pull-out specimens. After the pull-out test, fracture surfaces were analyzed using SEM, AES and EDS to determine failure path. The results showed that the failure path lay over inside the CuO and inside the EMC irrespective of the pull strength.
