콩기름과 콩가루를 첨가한 콩떡의 관능적 특성 (1)

A study on comparative sensory properties of soybean rice cake prepared with soybean oil and soybean flour

  • 정혜숙 (동아대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김경자 (동아대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


Soybean rice cake, which is often used in Hamkyungdo, is well hewn for a good taste and the slow firiming rate. Since soybean rice cake may taste different according to the amount of ingredients, this study will make a test of the taste and properties of two groups of soybean rice cake. One is prepared from rice flour mixed with yellow soybean and peanut flour at several rate, and the other is prepared from rice flour mixed with oil extracted from yellow soybean and peanut, the containing amount of which is the same as that of oil ingredient contained in each flour. Rice cake prepared mixed with extracted soybean oil shows better characteristics than that which is prepared mixed with soybean flour containing the same amount of oil. The result by sensory test reveals that the element which has a great influence on soybean rice cake is oil. Prepared mixed with extracted oil, soybean rice cake tastes best at 6% of oil, while rice cake prepared mixed with flour instead of oil tastes best at 8% of flour. As this study shows that the relation between firiming rate and oil has a significant influence on cohesiveness, moistness, and chewiness, it is needed to further study the effect of oil according to the kinds of the flour of rice or other grains used.
