Landscape Structure and Relationship between Water Quality and Land Use Pattern in the Watershed of the Wangsuk River in Gyunggi-do Korea

  • Lee, Chang-Seok (Faculty of Environment and Life Sciences, Seoul Woman′s University) ;
  • Lee, An-Na (Faculty of Environment and Life Sciences, Seoul Woman′s University) ;
  • You, Young-Han (Faculty of Environment andLife Sciences, Seoul Woman′s University)
  • 발행 : 2001.08.01


Land use pattern in the Wangsuk river watershed was investigated on the bases of physiognomic vegetation maps made from the aerial photograph interpretation and field check. Landscape structure was analyzed using a GIS program supported by ArcView. Landscape structure depended on the geographical position of the river, such as the upper, middle and lower river. Watersheds of the upper and middle rivers were dominated by forests composed of secondary forest and plantation. But agricultural fields dominated that of the middle and lower river. Urban area and agricultural fields increased in from the upper toward the lower river watersheds. In addition to, a transformation of agricultural pattern into an institutional agriculture was characteristic in the middle and lower river basins. Water qualities of the Wangsuk river were usually better in the order of the upper, middle, and lower river, but they were fluctuated according to the site. Such fluctuation would due to self-purification of the river and land use pattern of the watershed as the non-point source. In this viewpoint, a strategy to manage the water quality in the level of watershed is urgently required.



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