HCI 및 감성로봇을 위한 오감 인식기술 동향

  • 발행 : 2001.12.01




  1. Force abd Touch Feedback for Virtual Reality Grigore C. Burdea
  2. Proceedings of ASME WAM, DSC- v.55-1 Force Sensations in Pick-And-Place Tasks Ishii, M.;M. Sato
  3. IEEE trans. on Speech and Audio Processing v.3 no.1 The Challenge of Spoken Langauage Systems : Research Directions for the Nineties R. Cole(et al.)
  4. Proceedings ISSD-93 Human Machine-Human Interaction in Interpreting Telecommunications C. Boietet;K. Loken-Kim
  5. Proc. of the Second Intl. Conf. On Auto. Face and Gesture Recognition Segmentation and tracking of faces in color images K. Sobottka;I. Pitas
  6. Proc. of IEEE CVPR Colorbased tracking of heads and other mobile objects at video frame rates P. Fieguth;D. Terzopoulos
  7. Intel Technology Journal Q2 Computer Vision Face Tracking for use in a Perceptual User Interface Gary R. Bradski
  8. Proceeding of IEEE v.83 Human and machine recognition of faces : A survey R. Chellappa;C. Wilson;S. Sirohey
  9. Image and Computer Vision v.12 HMM based architecture for face identification F. Samaria;S. Young
  10. ICASSP 98 v.5 A Hidden Markov Model for face recognition A. V. Nefian;M.H.Hayers