Neurotoxicant (fenitrothion) alters superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase activities in Chironomus riparius Mg. (Diptera, Chironomidae) larvae

  • Park, Jin-Hee (Laboratory of Ecology and Zoology, CNRS UPRESA 8079, Bat. 442, University of Paris-Sud)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


Effects of exposure to a neurotoxicant, fenitrothion on antioxidant enzyme activities in Chironomus riparius Mg. (Diptera, Chironomidae) larvae were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Exposure to this chemical led to an increase of cupper, zinc type superoxide dismutase and manganese type superoxide dismutase activities and to a decrease of glutathion peroxidase activity. An activation of catalase was observed in the larvae exposed to high fenitrothion concentration. The response of superoxide dismutase was rapid and sensitive to low chemical concentrations, but changes in catalase, total peroxidase and glutathion peroxidase were less sensitive. In this study, antioxidant enzyme activities in Chironomus riparius larvae were identified as pertinent biomarkers for environmental monitoring.
