The Effect of Aerated Oil Considering Live Oil Surface Tension on High-Speed Journal Bearing

  • Chun, Sang-Myung (Kookmin University, Graduate School of Automotive Engineering)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


The influence of aerated oil on high-speed journal bearing is examined by classical thermohydrodynamic lubrication theory coupled with analytical models for viscosity and density of air-oil mixture in fluid-film bearing. Convection to the walls and mixing with supply oil and re-circulating oil are considered. The live oil surface tension is considered as functions of temperature, API gravity and air volume ratio. With changing eccentricity ratio, it is investigated the effects of air bubbles on the performance of a high-speed plain journal bearing. Just at the moderate eccentricity ratios, even if the involved aeration levels are not so severe and the entrained air bubble sizes are not so small, it is found that the bearing load and friction farce may be changed so visibly for the high speed bearing operation.
