Phylogenetic Analyses of Nuclear rDNA ITS Sequences of Korean Allium L. Subgenus Rhizirideum(Alliaceae)

  • Lee, Nam-Sook (Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Ewha Womans University)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


Phylogenetic relationships among the Korean taxa of the genus Allium subgenus Rhizirideum and some related taxa were assessed on the basis of in sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Twenty-eight accessions of the genus Allium L. consisting of subgenera Rhizirideum (19 taxa), Allium (5 taxa) and Amerallium (one taxon) were analyzed. The variation in the ITS region was informative at the levels of section except for sect. Reticulato- bulbosa which is known to be of multiple origin. The ITS 2 region was longer than the ITS 1 region, and all of the investigated Allium taxa were the same in length in the 5.8S region except for A. monanthum. Allium cyaneum var. cyaneum was the shortest (635 bp) and A. victorialis the longest (646 bp) among the investigated Korean taxa. The three morphologically similar taxa, A. thunbergii, A. sacculiferum that has been included in A. thunbergii, and A. deltoid- fistulosum, had the same ITS lengths of 641 bp, but were clearly distinguished in the phylogenetic analysis of their ITS sequences.



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