한국 혼수와 혼례가구의 구입 실태 및 전망

Purchase of Honsu and Wedding Furniture

  • 김정근 (울산대학교 생활과학대학 주거환경학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.01


This paper considers Wedding Furniture(new furniture that brides prepare for marriage) design in Korea. Social survey research methods were applied to study wedding furniture from 1960 to 1990. A questionnaires were delivered to 766 urban housewives. As to the statistical methods of the study, descriptive analysis for frequencies, and $X^2-test$ were selectively performed using SPSS PC+ program. the findings are as follows; During this period, Wedding Furniture became an essential Honsu(혼수: wedding gift) item People choose as Wedding Furnitures that serve basic functions of furniture and are traditionally symbols of wedding. They were increased both quantity and quality. Typical Wedding Furnitures of the Modern time were Jangrong(장농: wardrobe for storing clothes and bed clothes), dressing table, wardrobe chest, cupboard and bed. Wedding Furniture items have become more various in kind. Criteria for selecting Wedding Furniture were functionality, affordability, fashion, and decorativeness, tradition and symbolic of marriage. but, The symbolic importance of Wedding Furniture as Honsu will be weakened with the introduction of a variety of electronic appliances.
