치어기 틸라피아에 있어 사료내 어분 대체원으로서 라이신 부산물의 첨가효과

Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Lysine Cell Mass as a Fish Meal Replacer in Juvenile Nile Tilapia

  • 김강웅 (부경대학교 양식학과 사료영양연구소) ;
  • 이진영 (부경대학교 양식학과 사료영양연구소) ;
  • 배승철 (부경대학교 양식학과 사료영양연구소) ;
  • 이희석 (한국바스프 주식회사)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


이 연구는 치어기 틸라피아에 있어서 어분(fish meal, FM) 대체 단백질원으로서 라이신 부산물(lysine cell mass, LCM)이 사료내 이용 가능성과 대체 수준을 결정하기 위해 수행하였다 실험사료는 조단백질 35%, 가용성 에너지 15.3 kJ/kg으로 설계되었고, 주 단백질원으로 어분, 대두박, 콘글루텐밀 및 라이신 부산물을 사용하였다. 주 동물성 단백질원인 어분 단백질을 라이신 부산물에 의한 대체 수준에 따라 사료 조성을 요약하면 다음과 같다: $LCM_0, 100% FM: LCM_{10}, 90% FM+10% LCM, LCM_{20}, 80% FM+20% LCM; LCM_{30}, 70% FM+30% LCM; LCM_{40}, 60% FM+40% LCM; LCM_{30}l, 70% FM+30% LCM+lysine; LCM_{30}ln, 70% FM +30% LCM + lysine +NaOH; LCM_{40}lan, 60% FM+40% LCM+lysine+arginine; LCM_{40}/lan, 60% FM+40% LCM+lysine+arginine+NaOH.$ 8주간의 실험 결과, 증체율과 일간성장률에 있어서는 사료구 $LCM_0$와 비교하여 모든 사료구에서는 유의적인 차이가 없었으며, 아울러 아미노산 첨가 및 중화효과는 모든 사료구에서 나타나지 않았다(p>0.05). 사료효율과 단백질 전환효율에 있어서 사료구 LCMo는 사료구 $LCM_{10}. LCM_{20}. LCM_{30}lan, LCM_{40}lan 및 LCM_{40}lan$과 비교하여 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않은 반면에(P>0.05), 사료구 $LCM_{30}, LCM_{40} 및 LCM_{30}l$보다 유의적으로 높게 나타났다(P<0.05). 아미노산 첨가와 중화효과에 있어서 사료구 $LCM_P{30}la, LCM_{30}l 및 LCM_{30}ln$은 유의적인 차이가 나타나지 않은 반면에 사료구 $LCM_{40}la 및 CM_{40}lan은 LCM_{40}$과 비교하여 유의적으로 높게 나타났다(P<0.05). 따라서, 치어기 틸라피아에 있어서 성장을 기준으로 라이신 부산물은 어분 단백질을 40%까지 대체가 가능하였으며, 아울러 높은 라이신 부산물의 대체 수준에 있어서 사료효율과 단백질 전환효율을 고려한다면 아미노산 첨가(라이신과 아르지닌)와 중화 효과에 좋은 결과가 있을 것으로 사료된다.

To replace fish meal (FM) in the diet of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis nloticus, different levels of Iysine cell mass (LCM) were added to diet on protein equivalent base. fish averaging 3.0 g fed one of nine diets containing isonitrogenous and isocaloric basis of 35% crude protein and 15.3kJ available energy/g diet: $LCM_0, 100% FM: LCM_{10}, 90% FM+10% LCM, LCM_{20}, 80% FM+20% LCM; LCM_{30}, 70% FM+30% LCM; LCM_{40}, 60% FM+40% LCM; LCM_{30}l, 70% FM+30% LCM+lysine; LCM_{30}ln, 70% FM +30% LCM + lysine +NaOH; LCM_{40}lan, 60% FM+40% LCM+lysine+arginine; LCM_{40}/lan, 60% FM+40% LCM+lysine+arginine+NaOH.$. After 8 weeks of feeding trial, there were no significant differences in weight gain (WG) and specific growth rate (SGR) among fish fed LCM$_{0}$ (control diet), LCM_{10}, LCM_{30}, LCM_{40}, LCM_{30}l, LCM_{30}ln, LCA_{40}la and LCM_{40}lan diets (P>0.05)$, while fishes fed $LCM_{20} diet were significantly higher than those fed LCM_{0}, LCM_{30}, LCM_{40}, LCM_{40}la and LCM_{40$}lan diets (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in feed efficiency (FE) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) among fish fed control diet, $LCM_{10}, LCM_{20}, LCM_{30}ln, LCM_{ 40}la and LCM_{40}$lan diets (P>0.05), while fishes fed control diet were significantly higher than those fed $LCM_{30}, LCM_{40} and LCM_{40}l diets (P<0.05)$. Positive effects were not shown in WG and SGR with supplementation of amino acids (lysine & arginine) and neutralizatio, while FE and PER from fish fed $LCM_{40}la and LCM_{40}lan diets were significantly higher than those fed LCM_{30}, LCM_{40} and LCM_{30}$l diets (P<0.05). Hence, LCM can replace FM up to 40%, and dietary suppl-ementacon and neutralization of amino acids showed positive effects, when FE and PER were considered in juvenile tilapia diet.



  1. Aquaculture v.50 Formulation of practical diets for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) made by partial or complete substitution of fish meal by poultry by-products and certain plant by-products Alexis, M.N.;E. Papaparaskeva-Papoutsoglou;V. Theochari
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  5. Finifish Nutrition and Fishfeed Technology v.2 Single cell proteins in trout diets Beck, H.;J. Groop;H. Koops;K. Tiews;J.E. Halver(ed.);K. Tiews(ed.)
  6. Aquacult. Res. v.26 Substitution of soybean meal and oil for fish meal in practical diets fed to channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque);effects on body composition Belal, I.E..H.;H. Assem
  7. Finfish Nutrition and Fishfeed Technology v.2 Experiments on the use of single cell proteins in Atlantic salmon diets Bergstorm, E.;J.E. Halver(ed.);K. Tiews(ed.)
  8. Aquaculture v.73 A preliminary evaluation of an industrial single cell protein in practical diets for tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus Peters) Davies, S.J.;H. Wareham
  9. Aquaculture v.130 Replacement of fish meal by plant proteins in the diet or rainbow trout (Oncorchnchus mykiss);digestibility and growth performance Gomes, E.F.;P. Rema;S.J. Kaushik
  10. Aquaculture v.32 Investigation into the requirements of the tilapia Sarotherodon mossambicus for dietary methionine, lysine and arginine in semi-synthetic diets Jackson, A.J.;B.S. Capper
  11. Aquaculture v.19 Influence of bacterial protein in corporation and of sulphur amino acid supplementation to such diets on growth of rainbow trout Kaushik, S.J.;P. Luquet
  12. Journal of Aquaculture v.13 Evaluation of a newly developed fish meal analogue (BAIFA-M) in immature Korean rockfish, Sebstes schlegeli, reared in cage culture system Kim, K.W.;J.Y. Choi;S.C. Bai
  13. Prog. Fish-Cult. v.59 Hemoglobin powder as a dietary animal protein source for juvenile Nile tilapia Lee, K.J.;S.C. Bai
  14. Aquacult. Res. v.26 Partial replacement of fish meal with spray-dried blood power to reduce phosphorus concentrations in diets for juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum) Luzier, J. M.;R.C. Summerfelt
  15. Aquaculture v.20 Evaluation of an alkane yeast (Candida sp.) as a substitute for fish meal in Oregon moist pellet;feeding trials with coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisuth) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairderi) Mahnken, C.V.W.;J. Rosebrough;F.W. Waknitz
  16. Proc. Nutr. Soc. v.31 Intestinal absorption of amino acids and peptides Matthews, D.M.
  17. Aquaculture v.14 Evaluation of a yeast a bacterium and an alga as a protein source for rainbow trout. Ⅰ. Effects of protein level on growth, gross conversion effeciency and protein conversion efficiency Matty, A.J.;P. Smith
  18. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi v.50 Composition of free amino acid in excretion of carp fed amino acid diets and caseingelatin diets Murai, T.;H. Ogata;T. Takeuchi;T. Watanabe;T. Nose
  19. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish v.54 Effects of dietary protein and lipid levels on performance and carcass composition of fingerling carp. Murai, T.;T. Akiyama;T. Takeuchi;T. Watanabe;T. Nose
  20. Aquacult. Res. v.26 Use of mixed feeding schedules in fish culture;performance of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., on plant and animal protein based diets Nandeesha, M.C.;S.S. De Silva;D.S. Murthy
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  22. Aquaculture v.24 Apparent digestibilities of amino acids from three regions of the gastrointestinal tract of carp (Cyprinus carpio) after injection of a portein and a corresponding free amino acid diet Plakas, S.M.;T. Katayama
  23. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi v.59 Use of different protein meals as partial or total substitution for fish meal in carp diets Pongmaneerat, J.;T. Watanabe;T. Takeushi;S. Satoh
  24. Aquacult. Res. v.27 Nutritional value of animal by-product meal in practical diets for Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) fry Rodriguez-Serna, M.;M.A. Olvera-Novoa;C. Carmona-Osalde
  25. Feed International What is the future of meal use? Rumsey, G.
  26. Nutr. Rep. Int. v.22 Nutritional value of dietary nucleic acids to trout Tacon, A.G.J.;D.J. Cooke
  27. Aquaculture v.36 Effects of different protein and energy supplies on carcass composition of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) Zeitler, M.H.;M. Kirchgessner;F.J. Schwarz
  28. 틸라피아아 잉어 사료에 있어서 피혁분, 육골분 또는 어분 대체품의 이용성 김경희
  29. 한국양식학회지 v.8 성장기 잉어 Cyprinus carpio 사료에 있어서 단백질원으로서의 혈분 첨가효과 송민헌;이경준;배승철
  30. 단미회보 한국단미사료협회