The long-range transport mechanisms of Asian dust were analyzed based on the synoptic weather system and numerical simulation by using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and TOMS data during the periods of 1996-2001. We classified the whole weather types of eastern Asia during spring and created the representative weather types during the yellow sand events using cluster analysis and weather charts for the last 6 years(1996~2001). These long-range transport mechanisms were related to various pressure patterns including high and low, trough and ridge, and upper-level fronts. Case studies of the yellow sand events have performed by the simulation of MM5 with meteorological elements such as the horizontal wind of u and v component, potential temperature, potential vorticity, and vertical circulation during the episodic days(2~8 March 2001). In addition, the origin of the long-range transport was examined with the estimation of backward trajectory using HYSPLIT4 Model. In this paper, we concluded that three weather types at 1000 hPa, 850 hPa, 500 hPa, and 300 hPa levels were classified respectively. The dominant features were the extending continental outflow from China to Korea at 1000 hPa and 850 hPa levels, the deep trough passage and cold advection at 500 hPa and 300 hPa levels during the yellow sand events. And also, we confirmed the existence of pola $r_tropical jets in the upper-level, the behavior of potential vorticity over Korea, the estimation of potential vorticity through vertical cross section, and the transport of yellow sand through backward trajectories.es.