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- Air & Waste Management Association v.43 Atomospheric chemistry of tropospheric ozone formation : scientific and regulatory implications Finlayson-Pitts, B.J.;J.N. Pitts, Jr.
- Atmospheric Environment v.30 no.15 Surface ozone study in Campinas, Sao Paub, Brazil Lazutin, L.;P.C. Bezerra;M.A. Fagani;H.S. Pinto;I.M. Martin;E.L.P. Da Silva;M.G. Da Silva Mello;A. Turtelli Jr.;V. Zhavkov;J. Zullo Jr.
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- Environmental Pollution v.110 Analysis of air pollution in two major Korea cities: trends, seasonal variations, daily 1-hour maximum versus other hour-based concentrations, and standard exceedances Jo, W.K.;I.H. Yoon;C.W. Nam
- Journal of Geophysical Research v.96 no.D12 Trace gas concentrations and meteorology in rural Virginia: 1. Ozone and carbon monoxide Poulida, O.;R.G. Wardell;J.G. Watkins
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- AWMA for presentation at the 83rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition Health effects of ambient ozone healthy children at a summer camp Spektor, D. M.;M. Lippmann
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- ES & T v.3 no.16 Science, uncertainty, and EPA's new ozone standards Lefohn, A.S.
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- Atmospheric Environment v.23 Mass budget studies of photochemical ozone production over the U.K. Weston, K.J.;P.J.A. Kay;D. Fowler;A. Martin;J.S. Bower