유류고형화제에 의한 유함유 폐수 중의 유류 제거 공정 개발

Development of Oil Separation Process from Oily Waste Water Using Oil Gelling Agent

  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


For the purpose of developing a new process f3r the elimination of oil components from oily waste water, experimental researches using oil gelling agent were performed. The process is composed of three units, that is, decantator, gelling column and adsorption column. 10g of gelling agent in the gelling column could effectively absorb 15.65g of oil from ship washing waste water and 16.93g of oil from steel industry waste water. COD in waste waters dramatically diminished not in the gelling column but in the adsorption column. The .gelling is hindered by other organic components in waste water, and the optimum space time f3r the gelling column Is 20min. 1g of gelling agent absorbed 3.7-4.0g of oil from waste waters with 25 min in the batch operation.



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