의원 외래 본인부담정액제의 변천과 정책적 함의

Trends and its Policy Implications of Copayment System on Office-Based Medical Care during the Last Decade in Korea

  • 김창보 (국민건강보험공단 사회보장연구센터) ;
  • 이상이 (제주대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


Korean government had introduced copayment system as cost sharing to office-based medical care in order to reduce the demand for care in 1986. This review focuses on trends and characteristics of copayment on office-based medical care from 1991 to the end of Jan. 2001. Objectives of this study is ${\circled}1$ to analyse historical trends of copayment on office-based medical care during the last decade, ${\circled}2$ to analyse the effect of copayment introduced to office-based medical care on NHI finance, ${\circled}3$ to analyse the changing trends of the size of copayment in utilizing office-based medical care for the past 10 years, ${\circled}4$ to evaluate the meaning of copayment alteration implemented after the introduction of new prescription system and finally ${\circled}5$ to draw a some policy implications from the results of this review. We found that the main purpose of copayment introduction had been reduction in the expenditure of NHI finance. But, the reduction effect of insurer's expenditure has turned out to be negative and NHI finance has been in crisis after the introduction of new prescription system. Also, the copayment level of the insured has increased actually on a large scale. It seems that the introduction of new prescription system has changed the meanings and its policy implications of copayment system.



  1. 의료보험통계연보
  2. 2000년 건강보험 주요통계
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  6. 의약분업 회의 자료
  7. 보건의료개혁에 대한 최근의 논의
  8. 의료비의 최근추세와 전망
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