Damage Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Columns under Cyclic Loading

  • Lee, Jee-Ho (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dongguk University)
  • 발행 : 2001.07.01


In this study, a numerical model for the simulation of reinforced concrete columns subject to cyclic loading is presented. The model consists of three separate models representing concrete, reinforcing steel bars and bond-slip between a reinforcing bar and ambient concrete. The concrete model is represented by the plane stress plastic-damage model and quadrilateral finite elements. The nonlinear steel bar model embedded in truss elements is used for longitudinal and transverse reinforcing bars. Bond-slip mechanism between a reinforcing bar and ambient concrete is discretized using connection elements in which the hysteretic bond-slip link model defines the bond stress and slip displacement relation. The three models are connected in finite element mesh to represent a reinforced concrete structure. From the numerical simulation, it is shown that the proposed model effectively and realistically represents the overall cyclic behavior of a reinforced concrete column. The present plastic-damage concrete model is observed to work appropriately with the steel bar and bond-slip link models in representing the complicated localization behavior.



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