- 대한건축학회 추계학술발표대회 논문집 굵은 골재로서 폐기 콘크리트를 사용한 콘크리트에 관한 기초적 연구(역학적 특성) 김무한
- 폐콘크리트 재활용기술개발 한국건설기술연구원
- 日本建築學會關地部硏究報告集 再生骨材を混合使用したコンクリ一トの物性の關する實驗的硏究 川瀨淸孝
- コンクリ一ト工學 v.25 no.5 廢棄物のコンクリ一トの再利用 堅野紀元
- 土木施工 v.31 no.12 新しコンクリ一ト廢材再生技術の槪要 本多渟裕
The purpose of this study is to present the method of utilizing the recycled aggregate that are obtained from waste concrete as the concrete aggregate. We manufactured the recycled aggregate concrete with compressive strength of over 300kgf/㎠ to increase its weaker strength than the normal concrete, and compared the physical features of the recycled aggregate concrete with that of the normal concrete. As a result of the study, the mechanical performances such as compressive and tensile strength were generally reduced as the mixing rate of the recycled aggregate increased; however, it was possible to manufacture the concrete with the compressive strength of 300∼600kgf/㎠ using the adequate mixing material such as unit quantity of cement, compounding water and silicafume. However, a continuous study on long-term durability performance is required to manufacture and utilize the recycled aggregate concrete for the structure.
본 연구는 폐콘크리트에서 발생되는 재생골재를 구조용 콘크리트 골재로서의 활용방안을 제시하기 위한 것으로서, 보통콘크리트보다 취약한 강도 개선을 목적으로 압축강도는 300kgf/