효율적인 하모닉-CELP 구조를 갖는 저 전송률 음성 부호화기

Efficient Harmonic-CELP Based Low Bit Rate Speech Coder

  • 최용수 (LG전자 네트워크연구소) ;
  • 김경민 (연세대학교 신호처리연구센터) ;
  • 윤대희 (연세대학교 신호처리연구센터)
  • 발행 : 2001.07.01


본 논문에서는 하모닉 부호화기와 CELP(Code Excited Linear Prediction) 부호화기의 장점을 고려한 효율적인 저 전송률 하모닉-CELP 음성 부호화기를 제안한다. 제안된 하모닉-CELP 부호화기에서는 프레임 단위 유/무성음 판별에 따라 무성음 구간에서는 고속 CELP방식으로 부호화하고 유성음 구간에서는 개선된 하모닉 부호화를 수행한다. 제안된 부호화기는 무성음 부호화를 위한 RP-VSELP(Regular Pulse Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction), 유성음 부호화를 위한 간단한 정수 피치 검색, 정수 단위 피치에서의 고속 하모닉 추정, 가변 차원 하모닉 벡터 양자화, 주파수 해상도를 반영한 인지 가중치, 고속 하모닉 합성, 대역별 유성음 정도에 따른 자연성 제어, 다중 모드 등을 주요한 특징으로 하며, 이러한 특징들로 인해 기존의 HVXC(Harmonic Vector eXeited Coder) 부호화기에 비해서 매우 낮은 복잡도를 갖는다. 주관적인 음질 평가 결과, 제안된 2.4 kbps 하모닉-CELP 부호화기는 낮은 지연과 적은 계산량으로 양호한 음질을 얻을 수 있음을 확인하였다.

This paper describes an efficient harmonic-CELP speech coder by taking advantages of harmonic and CELP coders into account. According to frame voicing decision, the proposed harmonic-CELP coder adopts the RP-VSELP coder as a fast CELP in case of an unvoiced frame, or an improved harmonic coder in case of a voiced frame. The proposed coder has main features as follows: simple pitch detection, fast harmonic estimation, variable dimension harmonic vector quantization, perceptual weighting reflecting frequency resolution, fast harmonic synthesis, naturalness control using band voicing, and multi-mode. These features make the proposed coder require very low complexity, compared with HVXC coder To demonstrate the performance of the proposed coder, a 2.4 kbps coder has been implemented and compared with reference coders. From results of informal listening tests, the proposed coder showed good quality while requiring low delay and complexity.



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  2. IEEE Trans. on Acousti. Speech and SIgnal Proc. v.1 no.4 Encoding Speech Using Prototype Waveforms W. B. Kleijn
  3. IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Proc. Mixed-Domain Coding of Speech At 3 kbps J. C. De Martin;A. Gersho
  4. Information Technology Very Low Bit Rate Audio-Visual Coding ISO/IEC FCD 0.1 Subpart 2
  5. IEEE Trans. on Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc. v.36 no.8 Multi-Band Excitation Vocoder D. W. Griffin;J. S. Lim
  6. APCO Project 25 Vocoder Description Version 1.3 Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
  7. IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc. A Fast VSELP Speech Coder Based on Mutually Orthonormal Regular Pulse Vectors Yong-Soo Choi;Hong-Goo Kang;Dae-Hee Youn
  8. IEEE Electronic Letters v.33 no.6 Fast Vector-Sum Codebook Search Method for Low Bit Rate Speech Coding Yong-Soo Choi;Sang-Wook Park;Dae-Hee Youn
  9. EUROSPEECH'97 Improved Regular Pulse VSELP Coding of Speech at Low Bit-rate Yong-Soo Choi;Hong-Goo Kang;Sang-Wook Park;Jae-Ha Yoo;Dae-Hee Youn
  10. IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Proc. A Study on the Relationships between Stochastic and Harmonic Coding I. M. Transco;L. B. Almedia;J. M. Tribolet
  11. Coding of Speech at 8kbit/s Using Conjugate-Structure Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction (CS-ACELP) ITU-T Recommendation G.729
  12. IEEE Trans. on Comm. v.COM-28 An Algorithm for Vector Quantizer Design Y. Linde;A. Buzo;R. M. Gray
  13. IEEE Trans. on Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc. v.1 no.1 Efficient Vector Quantization of LPC Parameters at 24 Bits/frame K. K. Paliwal;B. S. Atal
  14. Speech Coding and Synthesis W. B. Kleijn;K. K. Pliwal
  15. Proposed TIA/EIA/PN-3292 Standard - Enhanced Variable Rate Codec Speech Service Option 3 for Wideband Spread Spectrum Digital Systems, Official Ballot Version Qualcomn Inc.
  16. IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc. TTS Based Very Low Bit Rate Speech Coder Ki-Seung Lee;R. V. Cox
  17. IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc. Pitch Quantization in Low Bit-Rate Speech Coding T. Eriksson;H. G. Kang
  18. EIA/TIA/IS-96A Interim Standar: Speech Service Option Standard for Wideband Spread Spectrum Digital Cellular System Qualcomn Inc.
  19. IEEE Trans. on Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc. v.3 no.4 A Mixed Excitation LPC Vocoder Model for Low Bit Rate Speech Coding A. V. McCree;T. P. Barnwell Ⅲ
  20. Proc. IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding for Telecomm. Performance of Noise Excitation for Unvoiced Speech G. Cubin;B. S. Atal;W. B. Kleijn
  21. IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc. Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction (VSELP) Speech Coding at 8 kbps I. A. Gerson;M. A. Jasuik
  22. IEEE Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc. Removal of Sparse-Excitation Artifacts in CELP R. Hagen;E. Ekudden;B. Johansson;W. B. Kleijn
  23. Psycoacoustics: Facts and Models E. Zwicker;H. Fastle
  24. IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Proc. v.5 no.6 Sinusoidal Modeling and Modification of Unvoiced Speech M. W. Macon;Mar A. Clements
  25. Report on the MPEG-4 Speech Codec Verification Tests ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11
  26. General Aspects of Digital Transmisson Systems: Dual Rate Speech Coder For Multimedia Communications Transmisson at 5.3 and 6.3 kbit/s ITU-T Recommendation G.723.1