carbofuran Induces Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Rat

휜쥐의 심혈관 기능에 대한 carbofuran독성작용

  • Published : 2001.12.01


Of all pesticides, carbamates are known to be most common, since alternatives such as organophosphates have long lifetime and are extremely toxic to produce a delayed neurotoxic effect. Although a number of studies about toxicity of carbofuran, a most widely used carbamate, have been reported, its cardiovascular toxicity has not yet been studied. In the present study, we investigated its cardiovascular toxic effect in anesthetized rat in vivo and in isolated Langendorff rat heart, In anesthetized rat model, carbofuran (10 mg/kg) significantly reduced heart rate, and transiently increased blood pressure. In isolated rat heart, carbofuran (10${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$) caused a significant depression in the left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP), indicating contractile dysfunction by carbofuran. Carbofuran (10${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$) also decreased coronary flow rate (CFR) in isolated heart, indicating carbofuran-induced coronary dysfunction. These results suggest that carbofuran can cause cardiac dysfunction in rat in vivo and vitro.



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