Triterpenes and Phenolic Constituents from Viscum album L.

상기생의 트라이테르펜 및 페놀성 성분

  • Published : 2001.12.01


The photochemical study of Viscum album (Loranthaceae) led to the isolation of twelve compounds, lupeol (1), betulonic acid (2), betulinic acid (3), terminic acid (4), ursolic acid (5), $\beta$-sitosterol (6), $\alpha$- spinasterol (7), oleanolic acid (8) , 5-hydroxy-1- (4′-hydoxyphenyl) -7- (4"-hydroxyphenyl) -hepta-1- en-3-on (9), 2′-hydroxy -4′, 6′- dimethoxychalcone -4-O-glycoside (10) ,2′-hydroxy-4′, 6′-dimethoxychalcone -4-O- [apiosal(1longrightarrow12)]glucoside (11) and syringin (12). Their structures were established by chemical and spectroscopic methods. The cytotoxicity of the isolated compounds was evaluated by sulforhodamine B assay against five cultured human tumor cell lines.



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