"한국형 결혼만족도척도" 개발 연구

A Study of Development of the korean-Marital Satisfaction Scale

  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


This article presents the development of a self-report measure of Korean Marital Satisfaction Scale. Based on 'Family Process Model'and interviews with 183 married couple, 3 domain structures with 74 items were identified, which included interactional process, emotional process, and intellectual process. It was administerd to 289 couples to test reliability and validity. Overall reliability coefficients were high for each of the individual domains($\alpha$=.62 to $\alpha$=.93). Face validity, content validity, content validity and concurrent validity respectively were demonstrated good. Additionally, divergent validity with scales of self-esteem and depression was observed. These results support the reliability and psychometric validity of the Korean Marital Satisfaction Scale in the assessment of key dimensions of marital process of Korean couples.
