Macroscopic-Metacognitive Aspects of Mathematics Learning

수학 학습 활동에 대한 거시-메타인지적 고찰

  • Published : 2001.07.01


Most existing research into the metacognitive approach in mathematics learning has been concentrated mainly in the study of phenomena of metacognitive (including the affective) behaviour in the context of mathematical problem solving or more broadly mathematical content-elated learning. However, this study originally constructs the concept of "macroscopic metacognition" which could be differentiated with general metacognition, and draws out macroscopic-metacognitive factors among the elementary and middle school students through individual interview. Questionnaire research is executed to find out how the macroscopic metacognition is included into the students' mathematics learning and the relationship between their mathematics learning accomplishment and macroscopic metacognition. Thus, a considerable degree of the positive relationship between these two variables was found out.
