Both creep deformation and creep crack growth experiments have been conducted on 2.25Cr-1Mo steel weldment in order to provided an information on residual life prediction of structural component weldment containing a crack. The stress exponent of creep deformation equation for the base metal and weldment at 823k were found to be 10.2 and 7.3, respectively. These two values could be assumed that dislocation climb processes are controlling the creep deformation of both materials. The creep rate of the weldment was very low, compared with that of base metal under the same applied stress. Whereas the creep crack growth rate of the weldment was almost twice higher than that of base metal under the fixed value of $C^*$. This may indicate that the weldment is stronger than the base metal in view of creep deformation and is brittle during creep crack growth due to the intrinsic microstructure of banite and relatively higher and Mn contents.