3차원 모델을 통한 설계정보의 효과적 활용방안에 관한 연구

A Research on Effective Use of Three-Dimensional Models for Architectural Planning and Design

  • 정례화 (A&G 건축사사무소소장, 상명대 겸임교수)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


In architecture, each project participant must maintain organic relationship with others. However, current practices are rather procedural and discrete than organic, which result in considerable inefficiencies. The cool-downs of Korean construction market also force the architects to be familiar with the new construction methods and systems. This research mainly focuses on the pre-development stage of such systems, analysing relationships between the information of architectural design and other parts of construction information like structure, construction, environment, and so forth. The result of analysis can be organized into attributes of members in a physical building, which can be modeled in a 3D system. The resulting model can be used for automated generation of drawing, Bill of Materials, finite element meshes for structural analysis and energy analysis, etc. by extracting meaningful information from it. Hence, the purpose of this research is to analysis the relationship among domain-specific information (e.g. structural engineering, construction detail, energy evaluation) that are represented in drawings, and to represent the attributes of the information relevantly so that they can be applied to each unit task that forms the whole project. Therefore, an object oriented methodology is introduced to compose design informations in three dimension, and expressing properties of building factors and materials, and to construct a database for computers to recognize architecture informations.



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