A Study on the Theater Construction of Stage System and Conversion System

공연장 무대장치의 구성과 전환시스템에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2001.12.01


The stage facilities in the western culture originates in the scientifically planned Open Air Theater built in BC 3C and magnificent theaters built in the era of Rome. These buildings are the remains that reveal popularization of the play. Furthermore, the facilities continued to flourish in the medieval to the Industrial Revolution as stage art actualizing designers' imagination. Diverse systems developed in industrial technology have been transferred to the stage, and the balance between industrial and cultural art has been endeavored to be achieved. The conversion methods of the stage has been developing in various forms. Domestic stage setting arrangement techniques and material exploitation have also been developing. Therefore, in reality, it is very difficult to grasp the definite trend. Additionally, as for the stage system in Korea, plays are dependently directed by directors and stage artists. It is concluded that the current state should be understood based on actual examples to meet solve these problems. The purpose of the study is to provide basic data for stage facilities planning. To do this, how the stage system of large performance halls can be used in accordance with performance condition of the grounds in Korea and frequent scene changes is given a special attention. With this background, the surroundings of the stage and conversion system are examined.



  1. Theatres Gaelle Breton
  2. Scene Design in the Theatre Dennis J. Sporre;Robett C.Burroughs
  3. Alvar Aalto Richard Weston
  4. Will It Make a Theatre Eldon Elder
  5. Performing Arts Michael Billington
  6. Drawing a Circle in the Square Sally Harrison-Pepper
  7. 무대예술전문인 자격검정 표준교재 무대기계 / 무대제도 박동우
  8. 무대예술전문인 자격검정 표준교재 무대기술 /극장 상식 및 용어 신일수
  9. 무대 예술론 셀던. 새무엘(著);김진식(編)
  10. 무대 디자인 최철주
  11. 건축설계자료실례집 38, 극장,홀 건축자료연구회
  12. 루이스 헬만의 재미있는 건축이야기 루이스 헬만;임종엽(編)
  13. 한국현대 무대미술 이병복;양정현;신일수
  14. 홍익대 석사논문 多目的劇場의 空間構成에 관한 硏究 박동우
  15. 중앙대 석사논문 무대연출의 방법론 연구 박희태
  16. 동아대 박사논문 공연장건축 중심공간 구성의 특성과 계획방향에 관한 연구 이태은