국내 항로용 크루즈 선박의 실내공간계획에 관한 연구

A Study on the Planning of Interior Spaces for Domestic Service Cruise Ships

  • 이한석 (한국해양대학교 건축학부) ;
  • 변량선 (두원공과대학 건축디자인과 조교수, 디플롬엔지니어)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


This study is to plan the interior spaces of cruise ships for domestic services. In order to give directions for planning of interior spaces, a survey was done through questionnaire by Koreans who have experience of travelling on cruise ships. Based on the survey results and other important situations around domestic cruising industry we set up the critical conditions for the interior space design for domestic service cruise ships. And then the data on the cruise ships which have similar conditions with the domestic service cruise ships are analysed. Types and sizes of interior spaces and horizontal and vertical composition of private and public spaces are main concerns in this study.



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  2. 한중일 연계 오리엔트 크루즈 사업의 기본 추진 방안 박기홍;이강욱
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