20세기 현대건축에 나타난 환경친화적인 하이테크건축(High-Tech)에 관한 연구

A Study on the environmental friendly High-Tech Architecture in the 20th century Architecture

  • 발행 : 2001.06.01


Environmental friendly architecture'is undeniably a verb important and global paradigm. Beyond energy-conscious design and building with renewable materials, environmental friendly architecture also deals with recyclable and found forms and images. Concepts of sustainable building lead to the analysis of all currently available options for building optimization. Tomorrow's framework for information and communication processing, as well as automation and process optimization. The purpose of this study is to define the conceptions about 'environmental friendly Architecture' and to discover new alternative architecture in the end of the 20th century.



  1. The Technology of Ecological Building Klaus Daniels
  2. Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, Prestel Thomas herzog
  3. Norman Forster a global Architecture, Martin Pawley
  4. Intelligent Glass Fassade, Birkhauser Andrea Compagno
  5. Okologisches Bauen P. und M. Krusche
  6. 그린에너지공법과 건강건축 임상훈
  7. 자연환경과 건축 디자인 전채휘
  8. 건축환경계획 대한 건축 학회편
  9. 건축환경공학 금종수(외)
  10. 아트리움건축 Richard Saxon
  11. 현대건축사고론 길성호
  12. 건축 9712, 9910
  13. 건축과 환경 9706
  14. 이상건축 9712, 9910
  15. Glasforum 9503
  16. 그린빌딩 기술동향과 사례, 설비 박상동;신기식
  17. 현대환경연구원 환경친화적 도시건축 기술개발 김현수
  18. 현대환경연구원 환경과 건축 이대우
  19. 한국에너지 기술 연구소 자연에너지를 이용한 생태적 건축계획 윤용진
  20. 동아일보 매거진 과학동아 9905
  21. 홍대석론 현대 건축에 나타난 생태학적 공간 구성에 관한 연구 김유정