실내공간에서 자연요소의 지각이 심리적 건강에 미치는 영향

Effects of Perceiving Natural Environments on Psychological Health in Interior Space

  • 김남길 (영진전문대학 건축디자인계열)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.01


It is believed that visual exposure to nature in the interior environment can make human healthier. But little about the effect of visual environment on human health is known. This article employs some existing evidences that perceptual experience of natural elements in the interior environment could reduce mental fatigue. The results of this article are shown as follows: First, the perception of natural elements is a physiological activity in terms of psychological health. Secondly, the visual stimulation of nature provoking proper arouse helps psychological balance. The aim of this article is to provoke further thinking and research on this possibility that visual exposure to nature may make people healthier.



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