Behavior of Rotating Stall Cell in a High Specific-Speed Diagonal Flow Fan

  • Shiomi, Norimasa (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saga Univ.) ;
  • Cai, W.X. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saga Univ.) ;
  • Muraoka, A. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saga Univ.) ;
  • Kaneko, K. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saga Univ.) ;
  • Setoguchi, T. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saga Univ.)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


An experimental investigation was carried out to clarify unsteady flow fields with rotating stall cell, especially behavior of stall cell, in a high specific-speed diagonal flow fan. As its specific-speed is vary high for a diagonal flow fan, its pressure-flow rate curve tends to indicate unstable characteristics caused by rotating stall similar to axial flow fan. Although for an axial flow fan many researchers have investigated such the flow field, for a diagonal flow fan tittle study has been done. In this study, velocity fields at rotor Inlet in a high specific-speed diagonal flow fan were measured by use of a single slant hot-wire probe. These data were processed by using the "Double Phase-Locked Averaging"(DPLA) technique, i. e. phases of both the rotor blade and the stall cell were taken into account. The behaviors of stall cell at rotor inlet were visualized for the meridional, tangential and radial velocity.



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