- Anaesthesia v.39 The cafdiorespiratory effects of ICI 35868 in patients with valvular heart disease Aun C;Major E
- Anesthesiology v.91 Effects of halothane and enflurane on ventricular conduation, refractioiness, and wavelength; a concentration-response study in isolated hearts Aya AG;de La Coussaye JE;Robert E;Ripart J;Lefrant JY;F-Peray P;Eledjam JJ
- Anesth Analg v.47 Clinical experiences with compound 247, a halogenated anesthetic agent Botty C;Brown BR Jr;Stanley V
- Anesth Analg v.57 Cardiovascular effects of enflurane anesthesia suring contorlled ventilation in man Calverley RK;Smith NTY;Roberts PC
- Acta Anaesthesiol Scand v.44 A comparison of anaesthesia using remifentanil combined with either isoflurane, enflurane of propofol in patients undergoing gynaecological laparocopy, varicose vein or arthroscopic surgery Chung F;Mulier JP;Scholz J;Breivik H;Arauzo M;Hjelle K;Upadhyaya B;Haigh C
- Anaesthesia v.39 Dose requirements of ICI 35868(Propofol, 'Diprivan') in a new formulation for induction of anaesthesia Cumming GC;Dixon J;Kay NH;Windor JPW;Major E;Morgan M;Sear JW;Spence AA;Stephenson DK
- Anesthesiology v.52 Diagnostic activation of epileptogenic foci by enflurane Flemming DC;Fitzpatrick J;Fariello RG;Duff T;Hellman D;Hoff BH
- Br. J. Anaesth v.63 Cardiovascular effects of propofol in the anaesthetized dog Goodchild CS;Serrao JM
- Anesth Analg v.83 The direct effects of enflurane on coronary blood flow, myocardial oxygen consumption, and myocardial segmental shortening in in situ canine hearts Gurevicius J;Holmes CB;Salem MR;A-Halim A;Crystal GJ
- Anesthesiology v.67 The enflurane sparing effect of sufentanil in dogs Hall RI;Murphy MR;Hug CC Jr.
- Anesth Analg v.79 Comparative effects of halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane of atrioventricular conductivity and subsidiary pacemaker function in dogs Hantler CB;Wilton NCT;Kinght PR
- The Veterinary Clinics of North America-Small Animal Practice v.22 Advantages and guidelines for using enflurance Haskins SC
- Vet Surg v.22 Effects of thiopental, ketamine, diazepam, xylazine and nitrous oxide on EEG spike sctivity and convulsive behavior during enflurane anesthesia in spontanously breathing atropinized cats-effects at surgical depth Hikasa Y;Kojima N;Takase K;Ogasawara S
- Vet Surg v.22 Effects of thiopental, Ketamine, diazepam, xylazine and nitrous oxide on EEG spike activity and convulsive behavior during enflurane anesthesia in atropinized cats-effects of increasing inhalant concentration Hikasa Y;Kubota M;Takase K;Kakuta T;Ogasawara S
- Can J Vet Res v.57 The cardiovascular sparing effect of fentanyl and atropine, administered to enflurane anesthetized dogs Ilkiw JE;Pascoe PJ;Haskins SC;Patz JD;Jatte R
- Acta Anaesthesiol Scand v.43 Responses to propofol in the pulmonary vascular bed of the rat Kaye A;Anwar M;Banister R;Feng C;Turner K;Kadowitz P;Nossaman B
- Vet Surg v.22 Cardiovascular effects of a continuous two-hour propofol infusion in dogs comparison with isoflurane anesthesia Keegan RD;Greene SA
- Am J Vet Res v.37 Cardiopulmonary effects of enflurane and isoflurane in the dog Klide AM
- Anesth Analg v.70 Effect of enflurane on contractile reactivity in isolated canine mesenteric arteries and veins Kobayashi Y;Yoshida KI;Noguchi M;Wakasugi Y;Ito H;Okabe E
- Anesthesiology v.89 Repetitive post-training exposure to enflurane modifies spatial memory in mice Komatsu H;Nogaya J;Kuratani N;Ueki M;Yokono S;Ogli K
- Anesth Analg v.51 Enflurane induced central nervous system excitation and its relationto carbon dioxide tension Lebowitz MH;Blitt CD;Dillon JB
- Anesthesiology v.45 Enflurane depress myocardial function, perfusion, and Metabolism in the dog Merin RG;Kumazawa T;Luka NL
- Anesthesiology v.84 Anesthetic potency of remifentanil in dogs Michelsen LG;Salmenpera M;Hug CC Jr;Szlam F
- Veterinary Record v.124 Clinical evaluation of propofol as an intravenous anaesthetic agent in cats and dogs Morgan DWT;Legge K
- Am J Vet Res v.39 Evaluation of xylazine, guaifenesin and ketamine hydrochloride for restraint horses Muir WW;Skarda RT;Sheehan W
- Anesthesiology v.57 THe enflurane sparing effects of morphine, butorphanol, and nalbuphine Murphy MR;Hug CC Jr
- Anesthesiology v.57 The anesthetic potency of fentanyl in terms of its reduction of enflurane MAC Murphy MR;Hug CC Jr
- J Vet Med Sci v.57 Rapid inhalation induction of anesthesia by halothane, enflurane,isoflurane and sevoflurane and their cardiopulamonary effects in dogs Mutoh T;Nishimura R;Kim HY;Matsunaga S;Kadosawa T;Mochizuki M;Sasaki N
- Am J Vet Res v.58 Cardiopulmonary effects of sevoflurane, compared with halothane, enflurane and isoflurane, in dogs Mutoh T;Nishimura R;Kim HY;Matsunaga S;Sasaki N
- Anesthesiology v.35 The electroencephalographic pattern during anesthesia with ethrane: effests of depth of anesthesia, PaCO₂, and N₂O Neigh JL;Garman JK;Harp JR
- Anesth Analg v.71 Differences in effects of isoflurane and enflurane on splanchnic oxygenation and hepatic metabolism in the pig Noldge GFE;Priebe HJ;Kopp KH;Pelchen T;Riegel W;Geiger K
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Cardiopulmonary, anesthetic, and postanesthetic effects of intravenous infusion of propofol in Greyhounds and non-Greyhounds Robertson SA;Johnston S;Beemsterboer J
- Anesth Analg v.82 The effects of sevoflurane, enflurane, and isoflurane on baroreceptor sympathetic reflex in rabbits Saeki Y;Hasegawa Y;Shibamoto T;Yamaguchi Y;Hayashi T;Tanaka S;Wang HG;Koyama S
- Anesth Analg v.73 Effects of augmenting cardiac contractility, preload, and heart rate on cardiac output during enflurane anesthesia Sato M;Hoka S;Arimura H;Ono K;Yoshitake J
- Acta Anaesthesiol Scand v.43 Metabolic regulation of cardiac output during inhalation anaesthesia in dogs Scheeren TWL;Schwarte LA;Arndt JO
- Anesthesiology v.74 Less than additive antinociceptive interaction between midazolam and fentanyl in enflutane-anesthetized dogs Schwieger IM;Hall RI;Hug CC Jr.
- Anesthesiology v.36 The effects of ethrane on arterial pressure, preganglionic sympathetic activity, and barostatic reflexes Skovsted P;Price HL
- JAVMA v.202 Adverse effects of administration of propofol with various prean-esthetic regimens in dogs Smith JA;Gaynor JS;Bednarski RM;Muir WW
- Am J Vet Res v.39 Potency of enflurane in dogs: comparison with halthane and isoflurane Steffey EP;Howland D Jr.
- Anesth Analg v.69 Comparison of arterial baroreflex function in humans anesthetized with enflurane or isoflurane Takeshima R;Dohi S
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Median effective dosage of propofol for induction of anesthesia in dogs Watney GCG;Pablo LS
- Veterinary Record v.126 Induction of anaesthesia in dogs and cats with propofol Weaver BMQ;Raptopoulos D