주요 외래잡초의 생태적 특성 및 방제에 관한 연구 2. 조사료 포장에 발생하는 주요 외래잡초의 유입경로 및 방제

Studies on Ecological Characteristics and Control of Exotic Weeds 2. Introduction route and control of exotic weeds in forage crop field

  • 발행 : 2001.06.01


This study was carried out to investigate the introduced route of exotic weeds and the effects of herbicide treatment. Herbicide trial was arranged as a completely randomized block design with treatment 1(\circled1 Dicamba $1\ell$/ha, \circled2 Mecoprop $5\ell$/ha, \circled3 Bentazone $3\ell$.ha, \circled4 Glyphosate $4\ell$/ha and \circled5 Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl 2kg/ha), and treatment 2(\circled1 Dicamba $2\ell$/ha, \circled2 Dicamba $4\ell$/ha, \circled3 Glyphosate $6\ell$/ha, \circled4 Glyphosate 4+Dicamba $1\ell$/ha and \circled5 Glyphosate 4+dicamba $2\ell$/ha) against 10 exotic weed species, and conducted in Suwon, Seosan and Yeongam from 1997 to 1999. Exotic weeds have been mostly introduced within imported cereals for concentrate feed or within seeds for forage production. Most of exotic weeds in forage crop field were controlled more than 95% by herbicide, but it was desirable that the control of exotic weeds was abreast of chemical and ecological method.



  1. Springer-Verlag Pflanzensoziologie Braun-Blanquet;J.
  2. Seed Sci. Technol v.4 International rules for seed testing ISTA
  3. Eugen Ulmer Enterfuhrung in die Pflanzensozologie Knapp;R.
  4. 농약정보 v.9 no.10 귀화 잡초의 문제점과 대책 구자옥
  5. 잡초생태학-식생관리론- 구자옥;권용웅
  6. 除草劑 處理에 의한 쑥(Artemisia princeps) 優點草地의 吏新效果 v.17 no.4 金英鎭;朴根濟;崔善植;黃石重
  7. 애기수영(Rumax acetosella)優點草地에서 除草劑 處理에 의한 草地 植生의 飼科價와 生態的 特性 v.17 no.4 朴根濟
  8. 除草劑 處理가 소리쟁이(Rumex crispus)優點草地의 收量 및 義分 生産性에 미치는 影響 v.17 no.2 朴根濟;金英鎭;李種京;李孟重;尹世桐
  9. 除草劑 處理가 애기수영(Rumex acetosella)優點草地의 收量 및 義分 生産性에 미치는 影響 v.7 no.3 朴根濟;金英鎭;李種京;李孟重;尹世桐;崔善植
  10. 초지잡초방제핸드북 박병훈;박근제;김영진
  11. 작물보호편(농업과학기술원보고서) 외래잡초 분포 및 서식 상황조사 오세문;김창석
  12. 식물보호연구 v.9 외래잡초의 문제점과 유입확산 방지대책 이한규;오세문;김창석;이문홍