다중채널표면파(MASW: Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave) 시험에 의한 지반 전단파속도 측정

  • 원경식 (지오텍 컨설탄트(주) 대표이사) ;
  • 조중각 (지오텍 컨설탄트(주) 이사) ;
  • 장기영 (지오텍 컨설탄트(주) 사원) ;
  • 박상욱 (지오텍 컨설탄트(주) 사원)
  • Published : 2001.11.01




  1. Geophysics v.64 no.3 Multichannel analysia of surface waves Choon B. Park(et al.)
  2. Proc. 8th, World Conf. on Earthquake Eng. v.3 In situ shear wave velocities from spectral analysis of surface waves Nazarian,S.;Stokoe,K.H.
  3. Geotechniqua v.31 no.1 Shear wave measurement of the elasticity of the ground Abbiss,C.P.
  4. Journal of Soils and Foundations v.31 no.2 Vs determination from steady state Rayleigh wave method Tokimatsu,K.;Kuwayama,S.;Tamura,S.;Miyadera,Y.
  5. Proc. of 15th Int. conference on soil mechanics and Geotechnical Eng. at Istanbul Turkey v.1 Local soil conditions and earthquake damage in the town of Aiquile-Bolivie R.D.Verastegui;W.F.Van Lmpe
  6. Manual for Zonation on Seismic Geotechnical Hazards 社團法人 地盤工學會
  7. N치와 c Φ의 활용법 社團法人 地盤工學會