AFLC의 배열특성에 관한 연구

Aligning properties of antiferroelectric liquid crystals (AFLC)

  • 발행 : 2001.10.01


Experimentally, the aligned direction of AFLCs in electro-optic cells having both the substrates rubbed along the same direction is skewed by a few degrees from the rebbing direction. To explain why, we proposed "Torsional Rigid Body Model" and interpreted their skewing angle as the action of short pitch with the large shear stress. That is, the azimuthal an anchoring strength (about 35 dyn/cm) in the cell is much larger than the maximum shear stress (about 10$^{-6}$ dyn/cm) for the original pitch and so forbids the optic axis to skew. On the side hand, the strength is smaller than the maximum shear stress (about 42 dyn/cm) for short pitch and then allows the optic axis to skew.



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