Tunneling Spectra in Organic Cu-Pc/$Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta}$ Tunnel Junctions

  • Kim, Sunmi (Sogang University) ;
  • E, Jungyoon (Sogang University) ;
  • Lee, Kiejin (Sogang University) ;
  • Ishbas, Takayuki (Tokyo Institute of Agriculture and Technology) ;
  • Lee, Yang-San (Daejin University)
  • Published : 2001.01.01


We report the current transport properties of a normal metal/organic conductor/ superconductor tunnel junction as a novel high- $T_{c}$ superconducting three terminal device. The organic copper (II) phthalocyanine (Cu-Pc) layer was used far a polaronic quasiparticle (QP) injector. The injection of polaronic QP from the Cu-Pc interlayer into a superconductor $Bi_2$$Sr_2$$CaCu_2$ $O_{8+}$ $\delta$/(BSCCO) thin film generated a substantially larger nonequilibrium effect as compared to the normal QP injection current. The tunneling spectroscopy of an Au/cu-PC/BSCCO junction exhibited a zero bias conductance peak which may be due to Andreev reflection at a Cu-Pc/d-wave superconductor junction.n..
