- Aquaculture v.133 Anaerobic treatment of intensive fish culture effluents: Volatile fatty acid mediated denitrification Abouthoul, Y.;R. Ariv;J. van Rijn
- Aquacult. Eng. v.14 Performance of a treatment system for inorganic nitrogen removal in intensive aquaculture systems Arbiv, R.;J. van Rijn
- J. Ferment. Bioeng. v.78 Encapsulation of biocatalyst with PVA capsules Ariga, O.;K. Itoh;Y. Sano;M. Nagura
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.32 Nitrate removal in closed-system aquaculture by columnar denitrification Balderston, W. L.;J. M. Sieburth
- Manual of Systematic Bacteriology v.1 Gram-negative aerobic rod and cocci Brinley-Morgan, J. W.;J. De Ley;D. W. Dye;H. Larsen;J. M. Vincent;R. Whittenbury;N. R. Krieg(ed.);J. G. Holt(ed.)
- Veter: Human Toxicol. v.35 The effects of nitrate, nitrite and N-nitroso compounds on human health: A review Bruning-Fann, C. S.;J. B. Kaneene
- Am. J. Clin. Nutr. v.25 Commentary on the Hungate technique for culture of anaerobic bacteria Bryant, M. N.
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.45 Comparison of denitrification by Pseudomonas stutzeri, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Paracoccus denitrificans Carlson, C. A.;J. H. Ingraham
- Enzyme Microb. Technol. v.18 Improvement of gas permeability of denitrifying PVA gel beads Chen, K. C.;S. J. Chen;J. Y. Houng
- JWPCF v.50 Nitrate removal from water supplies using biological denitrification Dahab, M. F.;Y. W. Lee
- Wat. Res. v.28 External carbon source addition as a means to control an activated sludge nutrient removal process Isaacs, S.;M. Heaze;H. Saeberg;M. Kammel
- Fish and River Pollution Jones, J. R. E.
- Biotechnol. Bioeng. v.22 Methane production from wastewater by immobilized methanogenic bacteria Karube, I.;S. Kuriyama
- Aquacult. Eng. v.19 Characterization of denitrifying photosynthetic bacteria isolated from photosynthetic sludge Kim, J. K.;B.-K. Lee;S.-H. Kim;J.-H. Moon
- Biotechnol. Bioeng. v.24 Immobilization of Nitrosomonas europaea cells with polyelectrolyte complex Kokufuta, E.;W. Matsumoto;I. Nakamura
- J. Ferment. Bioeng. v.82 The effect of different carbon source on respiratory denitrification in biological wastewater treatment Lee, N. M.;T. Welander
- J. Membrane Sci. v.151 Nitrate removal of drinking water by means of catalytically active membranes Ludtke, K.;K. V. Peinemann;V. Kasche;R. D. Behling
- J. Ferment. Bioeng. v.84 Development of bioreactors for denitrification with immobilized cells Matsumura, M.;H. Tsubota;O. Ito;P. C. Wang;K. Yassuda
- Pro. Water Technol. v.8 N-nitrous compounds, nitrate, and nitrite: Possible implications for the causation of human cancer Mirvish, S. S.
- Eur. J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. v.14 Columnar denitrification of water by immobilized Pseudomonas denitrificans cells Nilsson, I.;S. Ohlson
- Biotechnol. Prog. v.12 Changes in mechanical, structural, and denitrifying properties of entrapped Pseudomonas stutzeri bacteria preparations Nussinovitch, A.;Y. Aboutboul;Z. Gershon;J. van Rijn
- Aquaculture v.18 Management of closed brackish-water system for high density fish culture by biological and chemical water treatment Otte, G.;H. Rosenthal
- J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. v.10 Denitrification characteristics and microorganism composition of acclimated denitrifier consortium Park, E.-J.;J.-K. Seo;J. K. Kim;K.-H. Suh;S.-K. Kim
- J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. v.7 Comparison of immobilization matrix for ethanol fermentation by Zymomonas mobilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ryu, S.;K. Lee
- J. Am. Water Works Assoc. v.7 Treatment technology to meet the interim primary drinking water regulation for inorganics Sorg, T. J.
- J. Am. Water Works Assoc. v.61 Treatment of high nitrate water regulation for inorganics Amant, P. P.;P. L. McCarty
- J. Indust. Microbiol. v.20 Immobilization of anaerobic sludge using chitosan crosslinked with lignosulfonate Tartakovsky, B.;L. Petti;J. Hawari;S. R. Guiot
- Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria The biochemistry and metabolic regulation of carbon metabolism and CO₂fixation in purple bacteria Tabita, F. R.;R. E. Blankenship(ed.);M. T. Madigan(ed.);C. E. Bauer(ed.)
- FEMS Microbiol. Lett. v.118 Effects of oxygen, pH, and nitrate concentration on denitrification by Pseudomonas species Thomas, K. L.;D. Loyd;L. Bodd
- Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Recirculation Aquaculture Denitrification in recirculating aquaculture system: From biochemistry to biofilters van Rijn, J.;Y. Barak
- Techniques for Modern Aquaculture Biological denitrification in a closed recirculating marine culture system Whitson, J.;P. Turk;P. Lee;J. K. Wang(ed.)