최종사용자의 공동작업과 시스템 성공간의 상황모형

The Relationship Between End-User Joint Work and End-User Satisfaction : Two Moderate Factors

  • 발행 : 2001.06.01


A significant body of information systems research is concerned with user participation as a means to improve user satisfaction within systems development. In spite of the many studies in this area, findings are not consistent or cumulative. One of the reasons for this is not to be considered the type of systems. Most research are focusing on traditional system development under the mainframe environment instead of under end-user based environment like web-based information system or ERP. End-user based environment requires user's strong initiatives in the system development life cycle. It means the user\`s simple participation is not enough and user-led-development is more appropriate for the system success. This paper can call this new concept is end-user joint work which means user has to participate in the system development as a co-developer. This paper investigates how the end-user joint work contributes end-user satisfaction and two variables in particular-job complexity and technical competence-moderate the outcomes of end-user joint work Analysis of 112 independent systems development projects indicated that end-user joint work has a direct relationship with end-user satisfaction. In addition, the two variables were found to moderate key roles on this relationship. That is, the strength of this relationship depended on the level of these factors.
