A Study on the Relationship Between Self-Concept and Clothing Behavior of Elementary School Children

초등학교 아동의 자아개념과 성별 및 학년에 따른 의복행동에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2001.12.01


The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between self-concept and clothing behavior of elementary school children. For this purpose. 301 third and sixth graders two schools in Daegu-city were sampled. The \`Test of Self-Concept\` and \`Questionnaire on the Clothing Behavior\` were administered purpose of this study. The collected data were analyzed by the SPSS/PC Windows programs according to the research issues. Means and standard deviations were calculated and a three-way analysis of variance was applied to analyze the effects of grades, sex(gender) and self-concept on the clothing behavior. The major results of this study were as follows: 1. It was found that the mean score of the clothing behavior was significantly different depending the level of self-concept (group). The mean scores of manageability. psychological dependency interest and conformity of the high self-concept. group were significantly higher than those of the low self-concept group. But. there was no significant difference between the high and low self-concept groups in the mean score of comformity. 2. There were statistically significant differences between the sex of children in the mean score of the clothing behavior. It was found that the mean score of manageability, psychological dependency and interest of the female students were significantly higher than those of the male students. However the mean score of the comfortability of male students was significantly higher than that of the female students. In the meantime there was no significant difference between the sex of students in the mean score of comformity. 3. There were statistically significant differences in the mean score of the clothing behavior according to the graders of children . It was found that the mean scores of manageability, psychological dependency, interest and comfortability of the third graders were significantly higher those that of the sixth graders. But, there was no significant difference depending the grades of students in the mean score of conformity. 4. There were statistically significant interaction effects between the sex and the grade of children on the mean score of interest and comfortability. It was found that the mean score of interest of male third graders was higher than that of male sixth graders. The mean score of comfortability of the female third graders higher than that of sixth graders.



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