Framing Principles far the Standard Form of the Apartment Management Expenses Levy

전국 아파트 관리비 부과내역서 표준안 작성원칙

  • 강혜경 (동의대학교 아동·가정환경학과)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


The purpose of this study is to develop framing principles for the standard form of the apartment management expenses levy. The researcher with apartment managers and executive secretaries of Busan Citizen's Coalition for Economic Justice made framing principles for standardization through discussion of 5 times as well as investigation of several lists for the apartment management expenses levy. These framing rules are as follows. First, to arrange the expenses and amounts used. Second, to standardize items of expenditure. Third, to present basic contents of apartment such as the characteristics, the amounts of bank deposits, extra incomings and outgoings, and all-inclusive table of apartment management expenses. Fourth, to show the obvious explanation of items.



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