합리적 차별이론과 고용관계 및 거래 관계에 대한 영향

Rational Theories of Discrimination and the Implications for Employment Relations and Transactions

  • 이세재 (금오공과대학 신소재시스템공학부 산업시스템공학전공)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


Group level discriminations are observed in employment relations and other transactions in the form of residential occupational and production segregation and differential treatments. Recent developments in the rational theories of discrimination both on the market level and the non-market level are reviewed in terms of their relative strengths, weaknesses and complementarities. Taste discrimination could remain much suppressed in the market but could effect much chain reaction through various ways of statistical discrimination, price discrimination, human capital investment and segregation. Taste discrimination could also take the more structured form of co-workers' requiring compensation for reduced productivity due to increasing interactions with members of different language and culture in a non-segregative system. If could also be viewed in the framework of brand learning models. Non-market models of discrimination are seen to be an essential part to explain extended modes of discrimination.
