슬라이딩 모드 관측기에 의한 최적의 공회전 제어기 설계

Design of Optimal Idle Speed Controller by Sliding Mode Observer

  • 이영춘 (원광대학교 의과학연구소) ;
  • 이성철 (전북대학교 기계공학부, 자동차신기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 2001.10.01


This paper presents an approach to nonlinear engine idle controller and intake manifold absolute pressure(MAP) observer based on mean torque production model. A stable engine idle speed is important in that the unstable engine Idle mode can make engine to drooping or stall state. A sliding fuzzy controller has been designed to control engine idle speed under load disturbance. A sliding observer is also developed to estimate the intake manifold absolute pressure and compared with the actual MAP sensor value. The sliding mode observer has shown good robustness and good tracking performance. The inputs of sliding fuzzy controller are the errors of rpm and MAP. The output is a duty cycle(DC) for driving a idle speed control valve(ISCV).



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